Investment case: Irago Wind Farm
■ Start Date: June 2005
■ Equipment:Mitsubishi Heavy Industries MWT-1000A
■ Electricity Sales to Chubu Electric Power
At the start of operation, the wind power generation was constructed at only three locations nationwide without subsidies. (* 1) The business is operated purely by power generation.
Maintained a capacity utilization rate of 25% to 30%, which exceeds the national average of approximately 18% (* 2).
(* 1: ICP research ) (* 2 : Japan Wind Power Association estimates 17.1% -19.2%).
Investment case : Nemuro Wind Farm
■ Start Date:October 2018
■ Equipment :Two “Tozzi Nord TN535” equipments
■ Electricity Sales to Hokkaido Electric Power
This power generation facility located in the westernmost part of Japan (* 1) as a small wind power plant.
(* 1: As of October 2020 )